Flesh: A Book About Divorce & Remarriage
Chapter 7
Reducing the Risk
Outside of staying single, it may not be
possible to eliminate all risk of divorce. It takes
a conscious act of the will by two individuals to make a
marriage work. It takes the grace of God to daily
resist the temptations that seek to tear a marriage
apart. The following guidelines are given to
reduce the risk of divorce: 1. A believer should only marry
another believer, preferably, someone who has a proven
history of walking with the Lord in good times as well as
bad. 2. Marry only with parental or
guardian approval. Honoring your father and mother
is still good biblical advice. Parents may not be
able to choose a mate for you, but they generally have
ones best interest in mind. They may be able
to help discern wrong choices. 3. Marry only with the spiritual
blessing of the elders of a local congregation. They
are given as shepherds to oversee your soul. 4. Realize marriage is a
covenant vow before God, as well as a legal contract
before men. 5. Avoid sexual involvement
before marriage. Premarital sex produces guilt and
builds a barrier of distrust. 6. Marry only a believer with
biblical convictions on the permanence of marriage.
It is not uncommon for a person who believes divorce and
remarriage is an option for others, to exercise it
themselves. Knowing that divorce is not an option
is a motivating force to work through problems and build
a stronger marriage. 7. Fulfill your God ordained
roles in the home, local church, and society. God
has made men and women for different purposes. Men
are to be the primary providers for their families.
Though certain exceptions may arise, this is the
normative standard. Men should be spiritual leaders
in the home and local assembly. A lazy or
unspiritual man can frustrate a woman who desires to be
lovingly led. 8. Practice daily forgiveness.
If sin arises in the life of your spouse ask God for the
grace to forgive them. 9. Make your spouse a priority
in your life. Never withhold sex as a form of
punishment. 10. Stay spiritually healthy: Daily read the Bible. Fellowship with other believers. Be humble and dependent on the Lord. 11. Keep financial debt to a minimum.
Put spiritual and family life before money and career. 12. Do not let the sun go down on your
anger. 13. Keep your word. 14. Be involved and work
on your marriage. Biblical love is an active
relationship and decision of the will. 15. Husbands love your wives. Wives
submit to your husbands. Pray daily for your
spouse. Summary
I am aware that a significant number of
sincere Christians believe it is perfectly all right to
divorce and remarry. Sincerity is not the issue;
obedience to Christ is. I claim no infallibility. Some
arguments may be stronger than others. I have
written for the average Christian, not the scholar.
More scholarly men than I have capably dealt with these
same issues and come to similar conclusions. Their
works are in print for those who wish to read them. Adultery is a serious charge and is not to
be taken lightly. If my conclusions are wrong, I
will be judged for being an inaccurate teacher of
Gods word. If I am right, a significant
portion of the Evangelical Church will need to change its
teaching and practice. All the church allows, or
disallows, must be based upon Gods word. I stand behind these basic conclusions: A) God created marriage to
be a lifelong one flesh covenant bond between
husband and wife. B) Sin has distorted
Gods original plan for marriage. C) The Mosaic Law did not
establish or approve of divorce. It was already
occurring and God gave one law that only prohibited the
divorced woman from ever returning to her first husband
after she had remarried. D) Christ allowed divorce
only in the limited case of porneia. The
exception clause is only listed in the Jewish
Gospel of Matthew. E) The Rabbinic laws
of Christs day compelled a man to divorce a
fornicating wife. No such law exists in modern
Western society. The Christian is to forgive his
brother seventy times seven. The Christian should
forgive his spouse in the same manner. F) There is no clear
teaching in the Bible that the one flesh marriage bond is
severed by any thing other than death. G) There is no plain
mandate in the entire New Testament which teaches that a
divorced person may remarry while their spouse is alive. H) There are clear
statements in the New Testament which call remarriage
after divorce adultery. I) God
completely forgives all sin, including divorce and
remarriage. Forgiveness does not necessarily mean freedom
from consequences of sin in this life. J) The
Evangelical Church must not allow more than Christ
allowed. The local church should stand ready to
forgive those who repent of divorce and remarriage.
It must be willing to teach those who seek truth. It
must care enough to emotionally and financially support
those people who seek to honor Christ by not remarrying. The Heart of God for Reconciliation One theme of the New Testament is Gods
heart for reconciliation. The work of Christ is the
basis for mans reconciliation to God. The
work of Christ is also the basis for reconciliation of
families. The work of Christ provides the basis of
Gods forgiveness of mans sins. It also
provides the basis for one spouse to forgive another no
matter how grievous the sin. It is forgiveness that
is the basis for biblical reconciliation. Divorce, at its
root, is the failure of one spouse to forgive the other
and be reconciled. Jesus paid the price of blood to
see broken families recovered and restored. Jesus
is a Healer and a forgiver. He is our example.
His will is not for families to be separated and
destroyed. The work of forgiveness, healing, and
restoration repairs families and brings them back
together. When one spouse sins against the other the
heart of God cries out for forgiveness. The heart
of God seeks repentance of the sinning spouse but the
process may be long and the other spouse should not give
up hope that they will repent and return. It is the
grace of God that allows for forgiveness. Those who
refuse to forgive a wayward spouse are resisting the
grace of God and message of the cross. Some believe that
the New Testament provides a loophole to divorce a
sinning spouse and marry another. To them the work
and message of the Cross are not a priority. Those
who divorce their spouse and marry another are unaware
that their behavior opposes the very heart of God. Their
behavior opposes: 1) The healing and restoring work of
Christ. 2) The power of the blood to atone for
sins. 3) The prayers of children who long to see their
families restored. 4) The efforts of others who hope and
pray for the restoration of broken families. Those who seek a divorce from a sinning
spouse and seek to marry another advocate that: 1) God is
opposed to the future restoration of the marriage. 2)
Their spouse does not qualify for Gods best, even
though purchased by the blood of Christ. 3) They
have a moral right to separate what God has joined.
4) Christians should not encourage prayer for the
restoration of marriages. 5) Christians should not
believe that it is Gods will to restore broken
marriages. 6) The children of a broken marriage
should not pray and hope that their family may be
restored. The message of those who oppose the
possibility of reconciliation is a message of destruction
to a family. This ultimately weakens both society
and the church. Gods message is a message of
life first to the family and then to the church. The
Lord hears and answers prayers. He brings
reconciliation to families and the church. Waiting
in prayer for a wayward spouse is the ultimate act of
overcoming evil with good. In the same way that
Christ does not give up on sinners a spouse should not
give up hope that they will return and be reconciled.
This is the heart of God for reconciliation. The entire law is summed up in the
statement, You shall love your neighbor as
yourself (Gal. 5:14). Husbands, love
your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave
Himself for her (Eph. 5:25). It is doubtful
that these words allow for exemptions for a husband to
divorce his wife and marry another. |