"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things
which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection (mind)
on things above, not on things on the earth" (Colossians 3:1, 2) These verses are written to Christians, to those who have "turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His son from heaven" (I Thess. 1:9, 10). Sick of sin and of the empty laughter of this world they have found joy and peace in believing. Such have trusted Christ and His substitutionary death on the cross and are now regarded by God as forever linked with Him. Sin's penalty is paid and the believer, in God's mind and purpose, is already seen in heaven, there because of the perfect work of Christ. But Christians are here, living in a twisted world which is governed by Satan and corrupted by perverted thoughts: Lust, Worldly Pleasure, Luxury, Ease, Selfishness, Love of Money, Self-Indulgence, No Fear of God. Here the God of Money sits enthroned and beside him the Goddess of Lust. Christian, what are your desires, your goals, in this world? The exhortation we read says, "Seek those things which are above." Let us make God's interests our interests. Let us constantly put the things of God first. Our work, our pleasure, our home, our car; none of these dare be first. It must be God first, God first. How do I use my time? Do I read the Bible and pray every day:? Do I regard time as a precious stewardship from God? How do I use my strength and energy? For self? Is the work of the local church continually in my thinking and is my strength used to further the work of God? How about my money? Don't wince now! I know it hurts when our pocketbook is touched. Does God get His portion first out of that pay check? Shame on us as Christians that God's work so often lacks adequate funds (I Cor. 16:2; II Cor. 9:6-8) Is the driving concern and interest of my life to further the work of God? "The world is passing away" (I John 2:17). The car I so lovingly polish will one day lie rusting in a junk yard. The house I proudly display will one day be gone. Even the body which youth so proudly struts will one day lie rotting under the sod. But things done for God are ours forever -- more precious and imperishable as the years slip by. The second exhortation does not give the goal of our activity, but the attitude of mind which we should cultivate. It is not natural. "Set your mind on things above." Let us be continually occupied in our thinking with heavenly thoughts. Surely if this is so the Christian will appreciate eternal values and seek them. What do I think about most? My next day at the office? The bills due on the first? The failures of Christians? My unpleasant neighbor? The entertainment of the world, pulsating with a forced gaiety? What does fill our minds? Do we think often of God and His love? Do our hearts bow low as we think of our Lord Jesus Christ; His sacrificial death, His endless life? Do we rejoice over the evidence of godliness and growth seen in other Christians? Does our pulse beat faster as we remember, "He is coming back!"? Are the things of God real and living to us? A heavenly mind is vital for a heavenly life. Let each one who names the name of Christ "set our mind on things above." - D. L. Norbie |